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Thursday, February 11, 2010


hi everybody!OH I AM SOOOOO SORRY FOR not posting 4 d paz few daez cos i was busy studying for d upcoming tezs dis wk...hmmmm.... i realise dat ppl change as time pass bys..i dunno y:9 its not necessary to be always neg but oso pos. i c that some ppl's attitude change and start to demand for things. its not anyone in particular but a general fact.i really dunno wat to comment abt regarding this issue but i hope that things get better as time pass by and learn to learn frm their mistakes.school was an average day,nothing much happened but would juz like to share a few events.had sl duty as usual in the morning,during maths ....... had a RETEST but i found it easy yesterday was a sci test which 2was ezy tooo.. el was the boring subject eva. i rather have mr tay as my teacher...LOLduring recess went recess with rossa ,cheryln,agnes and adher frenz.durig history we watched videos and ate lollipops as a class so nice..... even our teacher took foto of us eating as she said that it looked funnt...WTH:[art we had to go com lab for research on fashion designing like creating a damai logo.!?the class was soooooooooooooo NOISY could not control at all :/n........ during geog we were expacting to get back our geog results but did'nt but we did fun activities like group work n stuff.CME was always a boring lesson 4 me its all abt moral values which neither nor the claz followsLOL..after class rossa and i went to help out for valentine's day activities however ,there was no job for us to do since the others sls haqd done it already.SO EMBARRASSED!!!!!!!:(ROSSA AND I WERE SOOOOOOOOOOOOO bored so we went bbt shop and talk and talk LAUGHING AWAY ENJOYING OURSELVES haha...howeva since both of us had to get home we left at 4++ n i buzzed home at 1604(c  i so accurate)lking fwd tmr 4 sumthing now i guess i gotta leave as i need to do some hw so cu peepz bye!!!!
leaving with a dull smile:/)